Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to Radico Khaitan Limited. This statement describes the information gathering and dissemination practices for our Web site (the "Site"), including the types of information we collect and how we may use that information. In summary, we do not obtain any personally identifying information("personal information") about you other than that which you choose to provide, and we do not sell, rent, or otherwise disclose any personal information you provide to anyone outside of Radico Khaitan, our advertising and promotional agencies and consultants.

Please exit this Site immediately if you do not accept the Terms and Conditions, are not of a legal age for consuming alcoholic beverages in the country or other territory in which you are located, or are in a country or other territory where use of this Site is not permitted.

Personal Information
In general, you can visit our Site without telling us your name or revealing any personal information such as your address, telephone number or e-mail address.

Radico Khaitan does not send unsolicited e-mail ("SPAM").